
It is likely that you are here because you are interested in finding out how good your forecasts are. Your forecasts may be the forecasts that you use as inputs to your business decisions, the forecasts you use as inputs to your own forecasts or the forecasts that you have produced yourself.

Why are you here? Your decision is only as good as the forecast so you want to know beforehand what the quality of that forecast is. You don’t necessarily want to verify yourself: you may not have the expertise and the resources available and you want the verification to be carried out by an independent party. You want to be ahead of the competition. You’re inherently curious about the quality of the forecast. You may want to turn the forecast into an economic benefit. Possible, all of the above.

forecastverification.com provides forecast verification as a service. We continuously monitor the quality of your forecast. The quality is described in periodic reports, for your eyes only. The reports contain summary verification measures and metrics as well as expert opinion based on those measures.